Monday, October 31, 2022

Youtube 6 Easy Steps Earning

Easy way to Learn How to Make Money on YouTube.

There is no need to look other than these YouTube 6 Easy Steps Earning Strategies for monetizing your channel and your creativity. Another thing to keep in mind is that you can earn money from YouTube videos without appearing in front of the camera. Many of the most popular YouTube channels feature screen capture videos with software tutorials or movies where people act out scenes or provide voiceovers behind the Camera.

YouTube 6 Easy Steps Earning

The most crucial thing for you to understand is that YouTube channels of all sizes, including small and medium-sized ones, are regularly monetized. Your earning potential is influenced by a variety of factors, including the level of engagement you create, the niche you target, and the alternative money streams you consider, in addition to the quantity of subscribers and views you have. That is not to imply that it is unimportant to have subscribers.

Table of Contents


Step 1: Channel Focus

Step 2: Developing a Keyword Strategy

Step 3: Master Your Brand

Step 4: Developing Accessible Content

Step 5: Increase the Number of Subscribers

Step 6: Set up Google AdSense account




There is a good reason that YouTube is the most popular online video, particularly for companies and people trying to monetize their YouTube channels.

It is simple to use, enables maximum search engine exposure, and has a ready audience. In reality, YouTube has over a billion registered users, proving it to be a terrific tool to grow a business, increase exposure, and create a memorable brand.

However, you already know about the amazing opportunities that setting up a YouTube account may provide. It's probable that you already know this but you might not be aware of the precise beginning steps.

This includes things like:

·        How to pick a theme for your YouTube channel.

·        How to successfully brand your channel.

·        How to set up your channel to get the most attention.

·        How to decide which content format is ideal for your channel.

·        How to increase your subscriber base.

Now that this unique report has covered everything, you won't need to wonder any longer: 6 Simple Steps to YouTube.

We'll walk you through every step required to build a successful channel.

We've got you covered on everything from how to set up your channel to draw in the most devoted viewers to how to organise and create the best possible material.

Start now!

Step 1: Channel Focus

We won't go over the actual sign-up procedure for creating a YouTube account because there are numerous online guides that will walk you through it.

Note: You can easily find a video on YouTube. If you want to know how to create a YouTube channel then comment on this page, if I get sufficient requests, I will create a separate page for the same.

Instead, we'll begin by discussing what is most important: Your channel's emphasis.

The truth is that the foundation you set for your channel early on will determine its success. In actuality, smart preparation is the one factor that frequently distinguishes successful channels from failures.

You must first make sure that you have only selected one primary topic or theme for your channel. If you can develop an engaging theme, it will be easier for you to increase your audience.

It's always preferable to concentrate on one particular issue rather than try to appeal to several audiences when you're just getting started, even though you're not limited to writing material for a single niche.

Later on, you can expand your business by producing more content that appeals to different market segments.

The secret is to develop a channel that specialises in one particular specialty and provide material that is pertinent to that market. To start, make notes and jot down ideas for the kind of material you want to produce.

Find out more about your target audience's information needs by conducting market research. What kind of material and tone are you most likely to appeal to them with, and how can you set yourself apart from other channels in your market?

The most popular channels are frequently built on interests and passions of the creators themselves. Of course, you want your material to relate to your already-existing goods, websites, or blogs.

Connecting your YouTube channel with a blog that has a text-based component will reach a bigger audience and help you maximise visibility. The goal is to build a single seamless brand where you are visible on all major platforms.

Before moving on, you should take some time to determine the subject matter of your channel if you are unsure. This is another example of the need of researching your market to identify content gaps.

The quickest method to establish your channel with minimal marketing is to serve a niche need with material that is in demand but not generally available.

Here are a few well-liked topics that many successful YouTube channels have utilised as their emphasis and guiding themes if you need more assistance:

How-To/Tutorials/DYI: These channels are always well-liked because they impart specialised knowledge on how to do things. This kind of channel is always in demand, regardless of whether it offers tutorials on topics like software, marketing, website development, or money-making—OR—if you produce material focused on home improvements, interior design, or cost-effective repairs.

The best clips: Think of these videos as compilations of well-liked ones. It might feature articles on the "Funniest Home Videos" or "Top 10 Vacation Spots." The options are limitless. Just make sure you aren't stealing anyone else's ideas and that you have permission to use video clips.

Travel Channels: People are constantly looking for reviews of destinations to visit and the kinds of activities that are offered there. Once your audience grows, you may simply monetize a travel channel with sponsorships.

Tech videos: Always a hot issue, tech videos make technology easier to understand. You might include product reviews for electronics like computers, smartphones, and other gadgets, or you might cover tech news.

Crafting: Everything from making crafts to selling crafts and everything in between is covered on these channels. Numerous well-known channels instruct viewers on how to make handmade crafts, but there are dozens of other, rapidly expanding channels that teach viewers how to make digital goods they may sell on marketplaces like Etsy or Shopify.

There are several additional popular and lucrative channel themes, including as gaming channels, podcast-style channels, story time channels, fitness and health-based channels, cuisine channels, and even channels devoted to uncovering online scams.

Before you start making content for your channel, it's a good idea to do market research, examine the top 10 YouTube channels in your niche, and make a channel plan. In this way, you will be able to navigate with a strong sense of direction and a clear plan in place.

Regarding Channel Names:

If you haven't chosen a name for your channel yet, you should give it a lot of thought. Your name serves as a representation of your company, brand, and what viewers may anticipate from your channel.

This means you shouldn't pick a name that people won't immediately link with a topic, such as something general or ambiguous.

Even though there are numerous instances of successful Vloggers who started a channel in their own names, it's frequently far simpler to start a channel and connect with your target audience if you pick a channel name that accurately describes the kind of content you'll be providing. Alternatively, your Central Idea.

This means that you must first make sure that you are aware of your market and the kinds of content that they would find interesting.

A laser-like focus on specific content forms is essential to building a successful YouTube channel. It will be difficult, if not impossible, to establish a recognisable brand and stand out if you create a haphazard channel that tries to be everything to everyone. Instead, you want your writing to focus on a single primary niche, at least while you're first getting started.

Again, you are not limited to producing content for a single niche, but by choosing to concentrate on one area of your market during the beginning of your channel, you'll be able to start more quickly, acquire a following more easily, and establish your brand.

Moreover, if you establish your channel with a laser-like focus, it will be simpler to organise and arrange your material.

Recommendation: You should also confirm that the name you select has an open domain or one that is closely similar to it. You’ll want to register that domain in advance, before you even launch your channel.

You may better safeguard your company by securing the domain and username on all well-known social media sites because doing so gives you complete control over your brand. Additionally, it's a fantastic location to later sell goods!

You can take help of Tube Mastery and Monetization . This program will teach how to start, grow, and monetize a hyper-profitable YouTube channel from complete scratch.

Step 2: Developing a Keyword

Your channel can be found by using keywords. Keywords help people find your channel.  They serve as signals to the major search engines, which will link your audience to the information they want.

In fact, if your material targets a niche audience, all you may need to do to increase traffic is optimise your channel such that it contains pertinent and tightly-targeted keywords.

This indicates that you should include pertinent keywords in your channel's "About Section."

By doing this, you'll improve your organic search engine positioning and ensure that people can find your channel when they directly type search phrases into the YouTube search bar.

You’ll find the About Section here:

Consider 10-15 long-tail, relevant keywords that best represent your content.

They can be used in the description of each video as well as various other places on your channel.

Additionally, you should improve your video descriptions to make sure that both your audience and search engines are taken into account. This implies that rather than creating a lengthy description for each video, concentrate on including your main keywords early on while making sure they flow naturally.

You don't want to keyword stuff your description to the point where a subscriber reads it and finds it confusing.

Your description will be trimmed with a "Show More" link if your most crucial keywords don't appear in the first line. Again, though, make sure your description contains more than simply a list of keywords; it must also tell your readers of vital details about your content.

Additionally, you should include pertinent keywords in the titles of your videos, notably your emphasis keyword (the key phrase you want to rank for).

Keep your video titles simple and engagement-focused. You want them to be attention-grabbing and interesting.

Utilize whatever chance you get to add keywords to your material. Additionally, change up the keywords you employ so you may rank for a range of long-tail keyword phrases.

Here are a few ways to leverage free YouTube keyword tools:


This keyword tool is a free version that lets you search by nation and offers useful information, such the possible search volume.


This tool will give you data on search volume, general competition, and other factors that will help you optimise your channel, like the frequency with which prominent YouTube channels use specific keywords in their anchor text and channel names.

Using this tool, it is simple to find high-traffic, relevant keywords and to reverse-engineer the most well-liked channels in your niche.

Finally, you should create a secondary keyword list that promotes tags. Because tags work exactly like keywords do, they'll be a crucial component of your channel.

You won't be able to find tags by just watching famous videos in your field because tags aren't automatically presented in video descriptions. There are a few free programs that can fix this issue, though.

These include:


Tags for YouTube:

Once you've installed these Chrome extensions, you'll be able to see the creator's chosen tags whenever you visit a YouTube channel and go through the description. This spy technique is useful because it will demonstrate to you exactly what other people are doing well.

While there are other ways to optimise your videos and your channel, tags are crucial for letting Google and YouTube know what your video is about.

Tags will also help your videos populate in search as well as in related video views.

Goal Achievers Technique can help you in this matter. It will release and align everything in your life, especially when you want to achieve something big.

Step 3: Master Your Brand

After talking about how important it is to pick a theme for your channel, it's time to link that theme to your brand.

Branded videos consistently perform better than unbranded videos, and there's a clear reason why: simply by virtue of your brand being well-known and remembered, viewers start to recognise your material. If they find your content interesting, they'll spread the word about it, which will increase the visibility of your company.

This also entails producing distinctive channel art. To build reusable logo, banner, and thumbnail templates, think about hiring a professional designer.

On websites like and,  you may locate qualified designers.

Your goal should be to promote your brand as much as you can. Stick with a single primary color scheme or design style. Always try to incorporate your logo or another aspect that helps people recognise your business in your films and other content. People will start to recognise it more quickly the more often they see it.

Your artwork ought to contain your catchy tagline if you have one. Include this in your channel banner if you create a lot of videos (a new one every week or every other day, for instance) so that viewers will know what to expect.

Do not forget that YouTube may be accessed on a variety of devices, including smartphones and televisions. The channel art will show up behind your content on a larger television screen. The channel artwork is displayed as a banner across the top of the content on desktop and mobile devices.

If you're on a tight budget, you may also start from scratch when making your channel artwork by using a free image maker like Canva. You may quickly and easily customise the ready-to-use YouTube templates included in this free tool for your channel.

Click here to visit

Important Note: Keep in mind the "safe area" in the middle of the template while you design your channel artwork. On almost every device, that's where the display will be. You should confine your content and visuals to that space.

Ensure that any crucial details, such as your website's address, taglines, and photos, are contained inside this area so they will display on the device and not be obscured or cut off.

Your connecting text is something else to consider. Links to your channel can be seen on YouTube; they appear above your channel art in the bottom right corner. Make sure that part of your artwork is free of text, logos, or significant pictures.

Pro Tip: You could also design a hat, mug, or t-shirt with the logo for your channel and include it in each video. The more you can use your content to promote your brand, the better.

You will later be able to sell these things to your subscribers who want to support your business when your channel gains in popularity.

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Step 4: Developing Accessible Content

Your first video will undoubtedly fall short of your expectations. Yes, practice really does make perfect, but you have to do proper practice. Don’t worry, it will learn gradually. The more content you produce, the quicker and simpler it will be, and the quality will rise along with your abilities.

You should practice creating and uploading movies until you are knowledgeable about and at ease with the site.

Watch a lot of videos in your niche market and see what the channel owners are offering. Pay close attention to their pacing, format, and overall organisation. Make a plenty of notes. After that, make a content schedule and follow it, and submit them (you are not required to publish anything you submit). As with any other talent you've learned, your performance will improve as you practice more.

Additionally, the post-production stage is crucial, especially when it comes to producing interesting content free from lag and poor pacing.

The essential thing to focus on while editing is getting rid of any unnecessary pauses or lags and making sure you maintain a constant tempo so that your content flows smoothly and captures the interest of your audience.

Learning how to edit your own videos can also help you save a lot of money. Use software called OpenShot Video Editor or Creator. It is totally free. You can download it from Google. It also has a mobile version. It is very user-friendly for a beginner.

Other free editing programs are also available, such as iMovie, which has a straightforward learning curve and is pre-installed on Mac-based operating systems.

With its aid, you may quickly and simply master the fundamentals of video editing, making it a perfect tool for beginners.

One of the main factors they use to figure out which videos to show is video metadata.

YouTube isn’t a difficult platform to learn. Actually, the ease of use is the main reason for its appeal.

Another fantastic advantage of this is that you can embed your video onto a website by simply copying and pasting the HTML code. Anyone who visits your website can use the YouTube player to view the video there.

By doing this, you can avoid hosting the films on your own website and consuming a lot of bandwidth.

You must pay for the signal frequencies you utilise, known as bandwidth, in order to transfer data over the internet. Allow YouTube to handle your bandwidth needs.

Of course, the majority of viewers will probably discover your movie through looking for pertinent content on Google or YouTube's website. YouTube uses a sophisticated algorithm with over a million lines of code to assist visitors find the videos they're looking for.

When you upload a video, you give it a title, description, thumbnail, and tags. Therefore, you must ensure that your tags are pertinent to the video content (and that they match the keywords viewers would use to search for your content).

YouTube also measures video quality by measuring the length of time it’s being watched. If a lot of viewers leave the channel before your video is over, this suggests that your video had a misleading title (or thumbnail), or that it didn’t give viewers what they were looking for.

If viewers watch the entire thing, your movie is probably relevant to the search terms used and will rank better than incomplete films.

Tips: Take some time to view videos on your favorite channels, especially those made by artists who are experts in your field.

Pay attention to their general style, the way they use transitions, the speed at which they speak, and the way they market themselves.

·   What tone and voice do they use when making videos?

·   Do they produce video content resembling a head-talker more frequently than other formats?

Make a note! Although this has already been highlighted, it is crucial, particularly when conducting market research to develop a strategy for your own channel. You should consider this later.

Last but not least, allow yourself to make mistakes. Throughout the process, you will learn a lot, and the type of video material you produce today will probably alter greatly from that of a year from now, once you have gained the necessary time and expertise.

The key is to maintain consistency, adhere to a content schedule that your subscribers have grown to trust, and stay faithful to your brand.

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Step 5: Increase the Number Subscribers

When it comes to growing an audience, there are a few easy things you can do to give your channel the best chance at being successful.

The first thing you should do is continually concentrate on building a solid backend. This means that the more video content you can publish, the better. 

Giving your subscribers a ton of information to consume can keep them on your channel longer and help make the conversion of a visitor into a devoted member easier.

Work on expanding your content library as a result. For this reason, planning your content is crucial. It is entirely up to you whether you want to create a video every week, every other week, or once a month. But bear in mind that in the early stages of building a channel, you'll need to invest more time and effort in producing more material just to give your audience plenty to interact with.

As a result, give yourself a few weeks or even months to prepare material for your channel before publishing. You can give enough information up front in this manner to maintain interest.

Advice: Subscribers want channels that regularly provide new, fresh content. By producing content in batches and then storing it for later release, you may position yourself for long-term success without being overburdened.

In this manner, you can take breaks to rest in between while still having new content to submit or upload

Additionally, you want to include a clear call to action in both the description and the video's actual content. Never be hesitant to ask for subscribers, likes, and notification activation for your channel. Remind them that they need to subscribe in order to receive notifications when new video is available because not everyone will understand how YouTube works.

Additionally, viewers enjoy supporting new channels, so if you urge them directly to subscribe, comment, and like your video because it promotes the growth of your channel, they're likely to comply.

You may also ask for feedback or end your video with a question. The more comments you get, the more evidence YouTube will receive that your channel is popular and should be featured more regularly. A channel will show up in search results more frequently the more activity it receives.

Moreover, you can arrange the content on your channel to make it easier for viewers to find what they're looking for. Think about creating playlist-style arrangements that categorise your content by topic or fashion. If your subscribers cycle through video playlists, they'll appreciate it and probably devour a lot more content. Additionally, you ought to be on the lookout for opportunities to collaborate and cross-promote with other channel owners.

Give another channel a shout-out or think about including links to other channels in your video output. This will put you on the radar of well-known channels that could be willing to network for you!

Nevertheless, keep an eye out for chances to appear as a guest on pertinent networks.

This can be accomplished in a number of ways, such as working together on just one video, combining two separate videos (where you produce one segment and someone else produces the other), or producing content solely for another channel to introduce your company to their audience while providing the creator with new material to publish.

You may quickly get in touch with other channel owners through their social media pages, email addresses, or directly through their blogs or video comments if you're interested in working together.

Just be cautious when approaching channel owners to emphasise what's beneficial to them (free content, etc.).

You should also spend some time engaging with their material, subscribing to their channel, and researching what they do.

In this way, when you get in touch with them, you can demonstrate that you are familiar with their brand and content and explain why you think collaboration would be advantageous for both parties.

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Step 6: Set up Google AdSense account

This is simple. You can set up Google AdSense for free at the AdSense website. Here is YouTube’s official guide to AdSense accounts. Click here to begin creating your Google AdSense account. In order to create your own account, you must be at least 18 years old. You will require adult assistance if you are younger.

You need a working mailing address, a PayPal or bank account, and other details so AdSense can confirm your identity and the recipient of the payment. Although you only make money on every ad click and a much lower sum per watch, over time it adds up. Having an audience is crucial because of this.

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Although building a profitable YouTube channel is not difficult, it does take time, dedication, and effort. In order to quickly establish a following and increase your backend inventory, you'll probably be producing more content in the early months than you will afterwards.

Later, you'll be able to take it easier and create fewer videos that last longer.

Therefore, make a content timetable that you think you can follow. It will keep them coming back if you teach your subscribers to expect content at specific times each month.

Keep in mind that YouTube watch time is crucial. When it comes to viewer retention, by analysing the data that YouTube provides you with, you'll know for sure what content is among your top performing videos so that you can produce more of them! The longer that new viewers remain engaged with your content, the more likely they'll become subscribers. Additionally, the more time a viewer spends watching your films, the more likely it is that they will participate with it by leaving comments, liking, and subscribing. Playlists are useful in situations like these. By segmenting your content, especially after you've posted a lot, you can keep viewers on your channel longer as they peruse the many playlists that are offered.

Last but not least, be sure to include optimization in your weekly business strategy. To increase visibility, be sure that each title contains pertinent keywords.

To minimise duplicates, don't forget to include keywords in your video descriptions! Utilize the available space.

Last but not least, constantly look for ways to build off-site (external) links. Auto-syncing your YouTube channel with your other social media platforms, such as Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, is one of the simplest ways to achieve this.

By doing this, all of your social media profiles will receive notifications whenever you publish new content. When it comes to increasing visibility and successfully expanding a channel, these social cues are crucial.

To your success!


Here are links to a few resources that I believe will help you:

HyperSuggest: >>

WordTracker: >>

TubeBuddy: >>

Canva (Create Channel Artwork): >>

Set up Google AdSense account):>> YouTube’sofficial guide to AdSense accounts

OpenShot Video Editor or Creator):>>

Here are some other Affiliate Marketing Related Articles you might find useful:

  1. Social Media Principles to Succeed Online- Click Here
  2. Earn on Facebook- Click Here
  3. Affiliate Marketing- Click Here

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